Masters in Engineering or MBA?

We are currently compiling an article providing engineers with helpful data on the subject question. We realize that the best way for us to answer this question is to gather input from engineers who have had to confront this dilemma in their educational life.

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Engineering Degrees and Certifications

Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
Business Administration and MBA
Engineering Technology
Transmission and Distribution Engineering
Technology Management

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  1. A Masters in Engineering Management is the way to go. I got mine from
    During the curriculum I wrote an R&D Portfolio and a Project Plan for the company I worked for as a Product Manager. Then I wrote a business plan as my capstone project and started my own company. CU Engineering Management prepared me well. They have a good comparison of a Masters in Engineering Management to an MBA at

  2. In my own opinion an MBA is highly beneficial. The MBA degree was originally created because engineers working for companies were promoted to managerial positions, and often they did not know how to manage, although they were good engineers. Companies needed managers who could understand what the engineers were saying, and managers without engineering degrees often did not understand the engineers and their needs. Business schools responded by creating the MBA degree. It is a general degree designed to train student to enter any area of management. Most MBA programs accept students with any undergraduate degree. The MBA is in contrast to the MS degree which trains students to reach higher levels of knowledge in their specialty so that they can serve as better staff and researchers, with no intention of becoming high level managers.

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