How does your company collaborate on Projects?
The Engineering Daily is embarking on an ambitious project to create a project management and collaboration tool specifically for engineers. This tool will be entirely hosted online and we intend…
Articles on engineering-themed topics such as, projects, infrastructure improvement career opportunities and career advancement strategies.
The Engineering Daily is embarking on an ambitious project to create a project management and collaboration tool specifically for engineers. This tool will be entirely hosted online and we intend…
Forget about Boltzmann or a room full of ping-pong balls flying everywhere or a little devil called Maxwell’s Demon. As an engineer, I have always heard enough about the nano/microscopic description…
Students planning to embark on a career in engineering have a lot of choices when it comes to their education. One particular area of dilemma is whether to pursue a…
The last three years have been full of uncertainty for many in the engineering and construction industry. However in Africa, one noticeable constant has been the insatiable demand for infrastructure…
Over the past few months, we have profiled numerous engineers who have contributed significantly to our profession in varying ways. Up until now, the series has featured the likes of Elijah McCoy, Archimedes and…
As the 2012 school year kicks off, a new crop of engineering students will begin to learn the theories, practices and technologies that will be useful in the work place. There…
Marc Isambard Brunel is the father to the more popular Isambard. Marc is a great engineer in his own right having significantly contributed to solving problems associated with of underwater tunneling. In 1818 he patented…
While it is much easier to anticipate the general type of engineering questions that you might encounter during an engineering interview, it is not quite the same when it comes…
The Shimizu Mega-City Pyramid is a futuristic project proposed for construction over the Tokyo Bay in Japan. The proposed structure is a pyramid that would be about 14 times higher…
Interviewing will always be part of your professional life. Like it or not, you are more likely to face a harsh panel of interviewers who might seem to focus more…