Brain Teaser – Rectify this equality
Rectify the following equality.
101 – 102 = 1
By moving only one digit.
How long did Christopher live | Back – Next | Analyze this statement
Rectify the following equality.
101 – 102 = 1
By moving only one digit.
Thought-provoking Feature Brainteaser. Do you remember your prime numbers?
A simple but unusual paragraph. Can you spot anything odd about it?
Archimedes is know as one of the great scientists of antiquity mostly hailed for his mathematical work, his theories of mechanics and his clever use of machines in the defense…
Discuss. No electoral system will ever produce the right leaders.
In an attempt to open a forum for discussion on social networking for engineers, this article covers the more widely accepted site for professionals, LinkedIn.
An 8-inch model screw, tested in a water tunnel at a rotational speed of 22.5 revolutions per second and a velocity of flow of 12 feet per second, yields a…