Which of the following best expresses the main conclusion of the given argument
Discuss. No electoral system will ever produce the right leaders.
Discuss. No electoral system will ever produce the right leaders.
The Senate is set to consider a bill next week that would authorize $38.5 billion for wastewater and drinking-water infrastructure over the next five years. S. 1005, the Water Infrastructure Financing Act, could come to a vote in the Senate as early as Monday, July 27.
Our day-to-day guide is a product of engineers’ collective intelligence. The sole goal is to provide engineers with insightful and relevant articles aimed at guiding them through the day-to-day challenges of an engineer’s life and career?
If you have been paying attention to the Google, Microsoft rivalry you might have figured out that these two titans have something up their sleeve. On one hand it is search. One the other it is cloud-computing. What does this mean to engineers?
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger advocates for a high-speed rail system to modernize US infrastructure, which he considers to be on par with that of a developing country. He says, “Our trains go the same speed today as they were 100 years ago,” Schwarzenegger says. “So where is the progress?”
Christopher’s youth lasted 1/6 of his life. He had his first beard in the next 1/12 of his life. At the end of the following 1/7 of his life Christopher got married. Five years from then his son was born. His son lived exactly 1/2 of Christopher’s life. Christopher died 4 years after the death of his son. How long did Christopher live?
A profile on Kathy Cladwell, ASCE’s President-Elect Nominee: Kathy has been an active, service-oriented member of ASCE since 1984. She was President of the Gainesville Branch in 1993/1994 and was the first president of the consolidated Florida Section (1999/2000). Her organizational and leadership skills contributed to the adoption of the Bylaws and Rules for Region 5.
A discussion on the new rapidly growing micro-blogging platform, Twitter. What is the purpose and its effectiveness? Is there a way for engineers to use this platform for productive purposes?
A helpful guide on how to negotiate better terms on a job offer.
What is the quickest way to time a 9 minute cooking session with two sand-glasses of 4 and 7 minutes respectively?