An engineer’s guide to LEED and LEED accreditation

An engineer’s guide to LEED and LEED accreditation

The LEED accreditation is the highest valued environmental accreditation and its importance cannot be undervalued in the coming years. Today most companies are audited for compliance to green initiatives. There are stringent rules to comply with the green regulations and any failure can lead to huge fines. With more and more companies resorting to go green, the LEED accreditation will only gain further importance. LEED accreditation is in its nascent stage yet over 75,000 professionals have been accredited so far.

Handling job relocation to different city or country

Handling job relocation to different city or country

In uncertain economic times, radical changes in your career might be unavoidable and sometimes necessary. Other times, these radical changes might be preemptive moves in your career. Whatever the case, these changes provide unique opportunities for you to discover yourself and grow in different environments. Relocation brings along a myriad of unique opportunities and challenges. This article points out some of the more common challenges and issues that you might have to deal with.