A Day in the Life of an Aerospace Engineer
A Day in the Life – Aerospace Engineer.
A Day in the Life – Aerospace Engineer.
The Shimizu Mega-City Pyramid is a futuristic project proposed for construction over the Tokyo Bay in Japan. The proposed structure is a pyramid that would be about 14 times higher…
Container ships enable the global movement of cargo, enabling us to enjoy the many luxuries that come from abroad. As the global demand for goods has increased, so has the…
An interviewing guide providing the most commonly used interviewing tactics for engineers and other professionals.
Carthage, a remarkable city-state that dominated the Mediterranean for over 600 years, harnessed their extensive resources to develop some of the ancient world’s most groundbreaking technology. For generations, Carthage defined…
Upon graduation, most engineering students are well equipped with technical capabilities after spending years of instruction in school. Though essential, this is hardly sufficient in acquiring success in the real world. To be successful as an engineer there are certain skills and characteristics that employers look for when hiring graduates and clear the path for professional achievement.
The Persian Empire was one of the most mysterious civilizations in the ancient world. Persia became an empire under the Cyrus the Great, who created a policy of religious and cultural tolerance that became the hallmark of Persian rule. Engineering feats include an innovative system of water management; a cross-continent paved roadway stretching 1500 miles; a canal linking the Nile to the Red Sea; and the creation of one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Mausoleum of Maussollos.